Bright WordPress Hooks and Filters Reference
How to use
See for more information.
Filters are usually defined in a plugin [like your bright customizations plugin] or in the theme's [or child theme's] functions.php.
bright_before_rewrite_embed_code [Action]
Called with no arguments, prior to the execution of the bright shortcode expander.
Can be used to capture data from a POST, in the case where this data is to be used in rendering the template
add_action('before_bright_rewrite_embed_code', 'capture_data_from_post');
function capture_data_from_post() {
$current_user= bright_get_user();
$somedata = $_POST['somedata'];
/* do something with it prior to templates being rendered; like save it to the database */
bright_can_manage_bright [Filter]
Normally, bright admin pages are accessed via:
You can replace this by overriding the bright_can_manage_bright filter. In this example; we replicate the functionality.
function can_manage_bright($menu,$can_manage) {
return $can_manage; // do something else here to customize
add_filter('bright_can_manage_bright','can_manage_bright',10, 2);
bright_certificate_print_me_msg [Filter]
You can change the 'Print me...' message on the certificate page.
add_filter('bright_certificate_print_me_msg', function($msg) {
return 'Download/Print';
bright_course_id [Filter]
$courseId = apply_filters('bright_course_id',
$course, /* pass in the one from template shortcode if set */
array('attr' => $attr));
With this filter, it is possible to override the course_id used in a bright shortcode. One of the most powerful aspects of this is the ability to derive the course to be displayed using custom business logic.
This filter is also used within the Bright system itself to default the bright_course_id from the WordPress post metadata. The implementation is a good illustration of how to use the filter:
add_filter('bright_course_id', function($guid)
if (empty($guid)) {
$post = get_post();
if (!empty($post)) {
$bright_course_id = get_post_meta($post->ID,'bright_course_id',TRUE);
if (!empty($bright_course_id))
return $bright_course_id;
return $guid;
}, -10, 1);
bright_curl_error [Filter]
During shortcode expansion, if a authentication key isn't available for the user and a cached CURL error from Bright Server is found, the message to be displayed on the page is the server error.
This filter allows a plugin to intercept and rewrite such an error message by replacing it.
bright_extend_on_course [Filter]
With this filter, you can modify the raw [unparsed string] customData that will be passed to the Bright javascript template expansion.
$rawCourseData = apply_filters('bright_extend_on_course',$rawCourseData,$courseGuid,$rawRegistrationData);
Note that this filter takes 3 arguments:
- the current custom data [you must parse, alter, and convert back to JSON string].
- the course GUID
- the raw registration data for the course; as returned by the getRegistrationDataForCourse() routine running in raw mode.
Here's a simple example of writing a custom document into the course data:
function my_course_custom_extension($rawCourseData,$courseGuid,$rawRegistrationData) {
$course_data = json_decode($rawCourseData);
$user = wp_get_current_user();
$first_name = 'Test';
$last_name = 'User';
$company = 'ACME Hacker LLC';
$course_data[0]->custom = json_encode(array('first_name' => $first_name,
'last_name' => $last_name,
'company' => $company
return json_encode($course_data);
add_filter('bright_extend_on_course', 'my_course_custom_extension', 1, 3);
bright_extend_on_courselist [Filter]
Normally, the bright template for a courselist will contain a blank section called custom. You can populate the data for this section by implementing a filter called
It takes 2 arguments:
- the bright courselist as returned from the Bright API course interface.
- The attributes passed to the embed code in an array.
Here's a sample implementation:
function my_extend_on_courselist($coursedata,$attr) {
return '{somejson: {}}';
Any JSON you return will be evaulated and placed in the custom context variable passed to the Bright template when it renders.
bright_extend_on_generic [Filter]
Normally, the bright template for a generic will contain a blank section called custom. You can populate the data for this section by implementing a filter called
It takes 2 arguments:
- a null ; which can be replaced with any data that the implemented filter would like to make the custom data of the template.
- The attributes passed to the bright shortcode in an array [like is passed initially by wordpress in the do_shortcode filter].
Here's a sample implementation:
function my_extend_on_courselist($data,$attr) {
* note; $data may be populated by another filter ... so in this case, you'd want to json_parse() it; and then modify the parsed data, then convert it to json and return it
* Typically, we only want this filter to run on a specific template type. So first, we'll check for the template name,
* and exit out if we don't find it.
$bright = Bright\Wordpress::getInstance();
$a_template = Bright\extractFromArray($attr,'template','');
if ($a_template == "bright_results_matrix") {
return '{somejson: {}}'; /* only works for a single filter */
} else
/* these aren't the droids we are looking for */
return $data;
Any JSON you return will be evaulated and placed in the custom context variable passed to the Bright template when it renders.
bright_get_wp_current_user [filter]
returns the results of wp_get_current_user(). You can override this to change the user Bright is authenticated against. For example:
* use a shadow user if no one is logged in. Can be useful to render a bright template on publicly accessible pages.
* Use w/ caution.
function change_bright_user($user) {
if (empty($user->ID))
$user = get_user_by('email','');
return $user;
bright_is_user_logged_in [filter]
Normally, a call to $bright->isUserLoggedIn() will return true only if a user is logged in, and generally Bright won't render unless this function is returning true.
Via this filter; Bright can be configured to run even if no user is logged in. For example:
function set_anon_access($loggedIn) {
return true;
Generally used in combination with bright_get_wp_current_user.
bright_login_url [filter]
When generated message that say things like please login, bright uses this filter to derive the login URL. The default is:
bright_page_attributes [filter]
Page-specific data is place in a bright embedder context by bright.js. This filter is passed the final hash before it is converted to JSON, and placed into the page. is a useful way to view the context available to a shortcode:
{{#dump2 'page' page}}{{/dump2}}
bright_please_login [filter]
When a bright template is attempted to be rendered on page visible to an anonymous [non logged-in user] user, bright will generate a message along the lines of:
please login or register to view this content
With a link to the login page [see also the bright_login_url filter to modify this URL]. To modify this message, use the bright_please_login filter.
To remove completely
add_filter('bright_please_login', function($msg) {
return '<div class=bright_not_logged_in></div>';
In a Shop
add_filter('bright_please_login', function($msg) {
return '<div class=bright_not_logged_in>This course will become available after purchase.</div>';
bright_site_url [filter]
Normally, we use the value of get_site_url() as the site URL, especially when writing
user metadata to the Bright database.
To use a different site url, you can override and set a value in the filter, which can
be useful when testing and developing on the bright user metadata system
add_filter('bright_site_url', function($url) {
return 'no.protocol.url';
bright_support_email [filter]
When generating some error messages, the error message may include an email for If you want to direct support to another email address, you can replace the support email with this filter.
bright_templates [filter]
Bright uses the following logic to fetch template text:
- the Bright class $embedderTemplates variable.
- the deprecated $bright_embedder_templates variable [this will be remove in Bright 9.0].
- the API is queried to see if the template is stored there.
Prior to checking the API, the bright_templates filter is passed a merged array of the templates derived by step 1 and 2 above. This lets a plugin developer create a template on the fly, and define it.
Here's the relevant code from the Bright Base class:
$templates = array_merge($bright_embedder_templates,$this->embedderTemplates);
$bright_embedder_templates = $this->extensionPoint('filter','bright_templates',$templates);
bright_user_display_name [filter]
Use this filter to modify what Bright will use as a display name for the user.
This can be useful in either anonymizing the user or modifying how their name appears in the
certificate, for example.
/* when using buddyboss, display name is no longer first name, last name */
function my_fix_display_name($display_name,\WP_USER $user,\Bright\WordPress $bright) {
$userdata = get_userdata($user->ID);
if (!empty($userdata))
return "{$userdata->first_name} {$userdata->last_name}";
return $display_name;
add_filter('bright_user_display_name', 'my_fix_display_name',10,3);