report: brightLearningPathSummaryReport
This report can be used to show rolled up data for all courses.
[bright class="none" type="generic" template="bright_generic_report" name="brightCourseSummaryReport" pagesize="10" query_scope="bright" fields="10" headers="Course,# Regs,# Complete,% Complete,# Passed,% Passed,# Failed,% Failed,Avg Score, Avg Time(mins)"/]
Use path name to specify the learning path to report on.
Specifying paths in Course Custom Data.
Note, the path can be specified in the course custom data in either of the available models, like
{ "mypath": "1"}
or use the full learning path document:
"learning_paths": {
"mypath": "1"
Like all Bright Builtin Reports, this report is only available to users on the site who have Administrator access.