Bright Template Reference
The [bright] shortcode, aside from the shortcode attributes, can include template text, either inline or defined by a plugin.
This document covers functions available in the Handlebars model of double braces, \'{{}}\' within the template text.
Numerous built-in helper functions are available, documented here.
Allows you to assign a value in a namespace within the current context.
In the following example, we look to see whether the current user has a profile variable exported called \'bright_path\', and if it does, makes it operate like a shortcode attribute.
{{#if user.meta.bright_path}}
{{#bAssignToNamespace 'attributes' 'path' user.meta.bright_path}}{{/bAssignToNamespace}}
If you have a JSON string in a context variable, you can turn it into evaluated JSON.
For example, if in the current context
myjsonfield = 'this: {that: data}';
// then
{{#bJsonEval this 'myjsonfield'}}{{/bJsonEval}}
{{myjsonfield.this.that}} <!-- renders as 'data' -->
Retrieves a value previously stored with {{bStore}}:
{{#bStore 'name' 'Heisenberg'}}{{/bStore}}
{{#bFetch 'name'}}{{/bFetch}}
When receiving a query parameter and referencing in a template, this helper is useful to decode URI encoding:
For example, this block fetch a certificate title from the query parameters
{{bGetDefaultValue attributes.certificate_title (bDecodeUri (bGetQueryParameter 'learning-path-title'))}}
Returns a default value in place of an unset template attribute, for example.
{{#bCompare (bGetDefaultValue attributes.success_criteria 'passed') registration.success}}
did not match
In this example, we are looking for a template argument called \'success_criteria\'. If it is set, we will use that in our comparison statement with the value in registration.success.
If not set, we use the default value of \'passed\'.
You extract query parameter arguments with this function:
In the template, try
{{#bGetQueryParameter 'invitation_name'}}{{/bGetQueryParameter}}
So as an example, for invitation reports we use the shortcode embedder, if not present, then we use the query parameter:
<h3>{{#if attributes.invitation_name}}
{{#bGetQueryParameter 'invitation_name'}}{{/bGetQueryParameter}}
Usage: You can use this to conditionally access an object by a different field name.
{{(bGetValueFromObject registration (bGetDefaultValue attributes.criteria_field 'success'))}}
Thus bGetDefaultValue evaluates the attributes field, and if \'criteria_field\' is selected, this is used to extract data from the registration object.
Otherwise, we will use the default of \'success\'.
This function takes as arguments a list of strings, and an object. If any of the strings is an attribute of the object render the passed in block. Otherwise render the inverse.
<!-- paths = Array('one','two','three'); ->
<!-- makes this return true -->
<!-- in this example paths is an array -->
{{#bHasAnyAttribute (bFetch 'paths') custom}}
something else
{{#bI18n 'started'}}{{/bI18n}}
Represent a possibly internationalized string.
Converts a date that comes from the Bright API into something human readable.
It defaults to the US model, but can write out a European style [day,month,year] by setting model='EU'.
{{bHumanizeDate registration.provider_completed_at model='EU'}}
To get a date in natural language, like "February 20, 2022" use 'natural' as an argument.
bSortCourses takes a context document that includes an array of course records, and sorts/iterates overthem, calling the interior block with each course as the context of the interior block.
This is the helper to use to iterate over a courselist [like in a Bright courselist template] and do something with each course.
{{#bSortCourses this courses sortBy=title}}
{{#if registration}}
<td>{{registration.complete}}, {{registration.success}}</td>
<td>{{#courselist-launchbutton this}}{{/courselist-launchbutton}}</td>
<a href=/certificate?bright_course_id={{course_guid}}>Certificate</a>
In the block below, the parent context is available in a context variable called \'context\':
{{#bSortCourses this courses sortBy=title reverse=true }}
{{#dump2 'context.realm' context.realm}}{{/dump2}}
For more information see
Stores a value that can be fetched later with a {{#bFetch \'value}}
{{#bStore 'name' 'Heisenberg'}}{{/bStore}}
{{#bFetch 'name'}}{{/bFetch}}
You can bCompare two values using a passable operator:
For example, to check that a course has passed:
{{#bCompare registration 'passed' operator='==='}}
<!-- do something ... -->
The default is a \'==\'
{{#bCompare registration 'passed'}} <!-- no operator required -->
<!-- do something ... -->
Note if you omit the \'operator\' part you will get an error like:
TypeError: Cannot read property \'operator\' of undefined
Error: Third argument to {{#bCompare}} must be in format operator='===' ; for instance
Operators Supported:
- \'||\'
- \'==\'
- \'===\'
- \'!=\'
- \'!==\'
- \'<\'
- \'>\'
- \'<=\'
- \'>=\'
- \'typeof\'
See also Javascript Guide for Comparison Operators.
Implement \'or\' functionality using bCompare
Here\'s a sample extracted from the Bright \'classic\' template:
{{#bCompare attributes.requires_registration attributes.require_registration operator='||'}}
{{#if registration}}
<!-- show a launchbutton -->
{{#bGetDefaultValue attributes.not_registered_message 'You must be pre-registered to take this course.'}}{{/bGetDefaultValue}}
<!-- show a launchbutton -->
This allows either requires_registration OR require_registration to be specified, in case of typos. If either returns true, bCompare returns true and shows the first 1/2 of the template.
Use this in a courselist, to add a launch button for the course you are currently rendering
This will generate a debugging statement in your template about the nested values associated with a context variable.
For example
{{{debug this}}}
Will show all values available in the template.
You can change the title of the generated document with:
{{{debug registration title='The most recent registration'}}}
Note: When dumping \'this\', the toplevel fields can be accessed withouth \'this\' prepended.
So instead of {{{this.user}}}, you can always use just {{{user}}}.
Dump provides a mechanism to view the data in the template context.
For example, to see the values of the attributes in the initial shortcode, use:
{{#dump attributes}}{{/dump}}
In your template.
So for an embedder code like:
[bright type=courselist template=results_matrix query=all_registrations suppress_header=true/]
You will get the following output in the page:
type: courselist,
template: results_matrix,
query: all_registrations,
suppress header: true,
The descendant of {{dump}}, gives some useful pointers on how to view nested data:
{{#dump2 'user' user}}{{/dump2}}
As passed to the templates the {{user}} variable are:
rendering {{#dump2 'user' user}}{{/dump2}} .....
Top Level Names Are: meta, site_roles, email, avatar
Data Currently In Variable:
meta: nested, use {{#dump2 'user.meta' user.meta}}{{/dump2}} to view.,
site_roles: nested, use {{#dump2 'user.site_roles' user.site_roles}}{{/dump2}} to view.,
When you are rendering a course, ala:
[bright type=course ...]
To insert the course launch button.
Note if you are rendering a list of courses, please use
Please note the # of \'{\'s, they are important.
Display current server date:
[bright type=generic]
Wed Nov 11 2015 16:07:28 GMT-0700 (MST)