Show All Purchased Courses

A common desire is to show all of a user's purchased courses on a single page.

This is useful for

  • having a URL to direct the customers to, where they can launch their courseware.
  • including this URL in the order completed email, for instance.

Bright provides a shortcode that you can embed anywhere in WordPress, like in

  • sidebar widgets
  • pages and posts
  • theme files [using do_shortcode()]

Use the following


To put a list of bright courses that the user has bought on a page, post, widget, etc.

Note, this shortcode will render the following for each course:

  • the title
  • the product description

So it is best used if you have a bright launcher in your product description.

Use the "WooCommerce" Bright Menu, and select "Create Pages" under tools. This will generate a page, and inject this shortcode, and show the associated URL.